This is the first time that Bitcoin has seen an upward trend since the halving. We now need to determine where the first pressure of this wave of rise is so that we can make better next moves.

1. Recently, the Japanese yen, Korean won and Indian rupee have all experienced a sharp and rapid depreciation, which is mainly affected by the continued interest rate hikes in the United States. At present, in the entire Asia-Pacific region, only the RMB is relatively strong.

The depreciation of the domestic currency will cause the outflow of international hot money. After the capital transfer, the first to be affected is the stock market, followed by the currency circle, so the recent trend of big cakes is high-diving.

2. During this period, many friends were full of bitterness, thinking that the big cake was useless after the rise, and their accounts were still shrinking, and many copycats even hit new lows. Your intuition is right. The era of buying anything and rising prices is over. The cake is only so big. If more people share it, you will naturally get less!

3. From the perspective of the market, it is currently fluctuating around 63k. The market is lightly traded on weekends, and the market will not have much movement!

This position fluctuates, and it is also a process of accumulating momentum. At the latest, we will see a rise next week.

Money is earned by doing, and it is earned by operation. The risks and benefits contained in the price are uncertain, not something that can be achieved absolutely. In the market, anyone who talks about absolutes is either a god or a layman.

In the currency circle, every time when everyone is immersed in good news, it is the best time to smash the market. The operation of capital is always anti-human, and only in the anti-human operation can the harvest be easily completed.

When blood flows like a river, capital begins to collect bloody chips. After collecting enough, it will start to pull the market rapidly, leaving those who got off the bus behind. The pie will eventually go to a new place and create a new height.

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