You can take a look at the Breadcat of sol chain. The IP is the old cat meme from 2012. The market opened on January 28, and the dev ran away the next day. It was dead for several months, and then it was taken over by the foreigner Twitter @Diamond_BallzZ on March 9, and a new website, Twitter and Telegram were set up. And the construction of CX is maintained every day. The price is very stable. There are many projects that have run away, so why choose Breadcat, which has Twitter and official website, and is very hardworking. If you know more, you will find that Breadcat is easy to like and accept. The IP has historical sedimentation, it is also a cat, and it has performance art. In addition, there is an episode in the cartoon South Park (American Pleasant Goat) that uses Breadcat as the protagonist. Now the Chinese community follows the foreigners to build, and they will get rich in the bull market! EjzzyCSiLqjFDprpZj8e1zjXmcTG5HPGFRSEoWcJWHh9(sol chain)