#BTC走势分析 #TRB暴涨 #美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 $BTC $ETH $ETH Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum Market Trends: Beware of Rebound Traps and Get the First-hand Information

Last night, Bitcoin and Ethereum experienced a small rebound, giving the market a false impression of a high. However, investors need to be wary of this rebound and avoid blindly following the long position to avoid falling into a trap. According to my personal analysis, this rebound is likely to be just a preparation for the next stronger correction.

Bitcoin is expected to fall in a waterfall after breaking the 60,000 mark, while Ethereum may exert force again at the 2,800 mark. Such a trend means that the market may experience large fluctuations, and investors need to do a good job of risk management and capital planning.

For investors who want to receive the first layout information as soon as possible, it is a good choice to follow and leave a message. By following our account, you can get the latest market analysis and forecasts in time, providing strong support for your investment decisions.

In general, the current Bitcoin and Ethereum markets are full of uncertainty and risks. Investors need to remain calm, analyze market trends rationally, and formulate reasonable investment strategies. At the same time, timely acquisition of the first layout information is also the key to reducing risks and increasing returns.