For beginners entering the cryptocurrency circle, I have summarized nine suggestions for your reference and learning.

If you want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, you must know a few suggestions!

1. The cryptocurrency circle is most afraid of laziness, laziness to transfer the currency to the wallet, laziness to research projects, and laziness to learn. Diligence will eliminate all evils, and laziness will lead to chaos!!

2. Mentality is crucial. If you can't stand the currency price falling by 99%, you naturally can't enjoy a hundredfold profit.

3. Adults, be bolder. If you are worried about your identity information being stolen even when registering an exchange, then go home and farm.

4. The risk of the primary market is higher than you think. If you have a weak heart, don't play it.

5. Don't trade over the counter unless you have to.

6. Remember, the coin only belongs to you in the cold wallet.

7. Except for the big pie, no coin is worth your all in.

8. The essence of airdrops is gambling. With the increase of gamblers, this road is getting narrower and narrower! Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, and get in for free.

9. 99.99% of the new concepts on the market have only one purpose: to trick you into taking over.

10. The more unpopular the coin is, the faster it pulls up. It's not that the dealer is merciful, but that they are in urgent need of leeks to take over!