History tells us that the distribution of money and power is never even.

From feudal society to the rise of capitalism, the social structure has always had a pyramid model, with a few people controlling most of the wealth.

This model is deeply rooted in human nature and stems from the insurmountable greed and selfishness in human nature.

Ordinary workers working for the wealthy is nothing new.

The serfdom and factory systems of the past all reflected this structure of exploitation and inequality. Even in modern times, the rise of financial capital has exacerbated such uneven distribution.

Bank lending and business operations are largely dependent on the hard work of ordinary people. However, most of the funds raised are ultimately in the hands of a few people. The poor are always trapped in their own cognitive circle, and it is difficult to break through.

This is a reflection of historical tragedy repeating itself.

Unless the existing social structure is completely changed, this unfair pattern may not be fundamentally solved.

I hope that in the future, mankind can pursue true fairness and justice and build a more fair and reasonable society.