
2024.04.30 Market Analysis


As usual, the trend is very consistent with expectations. BTC has completed the retracement of the chip range and verified the support of the 61000-63000 range again. Once again, there are two possible trends. One is to break through 73000 directly and then retrace. The other is to go to the 69500-70000 pressure range, and then retrace and rise again. I personally prefer the latter trend and continue to be bullish in the future. I will open a 120,000 U long order first. If it falls below 60000, stop loss. If it does not fall below, it will continue to reach new highs.


ETH volatility is indeed very large. ETH began to turn strong. After breaking through the 3190-3250 pressure range, it fell back below the pressure range. It is currently trying to break through the pressure range again. Recently, I have seen a lot of negative news about ETH on the Internet. I personally think that this is the application of Soros's reflexivity. When most people are bearish, we should start to be cautious and bullish!

In general, maintain positions and wait for the shock to end and break through. Keep long before June until the market shows a reversal pattern. There is no reversal pattern at present!

I emphasize again that we must trade according to market trends, have expectations, but not speculate on transactions. Trading according to the actual situation is the way to survive.

I wish you all a smooth transaction!

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