On the Losing Side? - It's By Design

So, there's a ton of crypto tokens out there – we're talking more than 20,000! And every month, we see a bunch of new ones popping up, all shiny and hyped up to get people excited and jumping on the bandwagon.

Here's the scoop: these projects rake in cash, and if you're putting your money in, you're getting a thrill out of it – kind of like a mini jackpot every time things go your way.

But let's be real, it's usually the folks behind the project who are hitting the jackpot more than the average Joe or Jane.

Why so many new tokens, you ask? Well, it's pretty simple. It's super easy to make one, and there's a lot of dough to be made off of folks like us.

Check this out: hop onto a site like Fiverr, and you'll find people who'll whip up a cryptocurrency for you. Prices range from 80 bucks to a grand, depending on what you need. They'll sort you out with a token on your blockchain of choice, get you a DEX, meme coins, stable coins, a slick website, Discord setup, Telegram trading bots – you name it.

But here's the kicker: at the end of the day, it's usually the traders and investors who end up short-changed. A lucky few might strike it rich, but the peeps creating these projects? They're laughing all the way to the bank way more often than we are.
