Student author | @dadayu34

Instructor | @CryptoScott_ETH

Release time | 2024.4.26

  1. The development and progress of the LLM model and AI is an extremely great technological advancement in human history. Humanity has since entered the AI ​​era. In this new world, "computing power" is the most scarce resource.

  2. The trend of computing power development is edge computing. This computing method can effectively reduce physical delays and become the cornerstone for the development of low-latency demand industries such as the metaverse. Decentralized distributed cloud computing has the advantages of flexibility, low price and anti-censorship, and its development prospects are very broad.

  3. Aethir is a decentralized real-time rendering platform based on the Arbitrum network. By bringing together high-computing GPUs such as H100, it provides enterprise-level computing services for gaming, artificial intelligence and other companies.

  4. Aethir has already cooperated with top cloud computing projects in the industry such as and Theta, as well as many top game studios and telecommunications companies, and its annual recurring revenue (ARR) is expected to exceed US$20 million in the first quarter of 2024.

  5. Aethir Edge greatly lowers the threshold for ordinary users to sell excess computing power and greatly expands the geographical coverage of the Aethir network.

  6. Aethir has already raised $80 million by selling checker node NFTs, proving that its project prospects and economic model are extremely attractive to a wide range of users.

  7. Aethir Networks' A100 has a clear competitive advantage with an hourly cost of use that is significantly lower than other competitors.

Changes in the development of human society are often achieved through several great scientific inventions and advances. Every technological breakthrough will directly create a new era of greater efficiency and prosperity.

The Industrial Revolution, the Electrical Revolution, and the Information Revolution are the greatest technological advances in human history. They have completely changed the face of human society and brought unprecedented changes in productivity and lifestyle. Now, we can no longer go back to the era of kerosene lamps and horse-drawn carriages delivering letters. With the birth of GPT, mankind has entered another great new era.

LLM is gradually liberating human intelligence, allowing people to use their limited energy and intelligence for more creative thinking and practice. From then on, people have entered a more efficient world.

We regard GPT as another technological breakthrough that changes the world, not only because of its tremendous progress in natural language understanding and generation, but also because humans have figured out the law of growth of the capabilities of large language models in the evolution of GPT - that is, by continuously expanding model parameters and training data, the capabilities of the LLM model can be improved exponentially. If computing power is sufficient, there is no bottleneck in this process for the time being.


The use of large language models is not limited to understanding human language and conversations. On the contrary, this is just the beginning. Once machines have the ability to understand language, it is like opening a Pandora's box, releasing unlimited imagination. People can use this ability of AI to develop various disruptive functions.

At present, the LLM model has been put into practice in various cross-cutting scientific and technological fields. From humanities fields such as video production and artistic creation to hard science fields such as drug development and biotechnology, it is bound to usher in earth-shaking changes.

In this era, computing power is regarded as a scarce resource. Large technology giants have abundant resources, while emerging developers face barriers to entry due to insufficient computing resources. In the new era of AI, computing power is power, and those who master computing power have the ability to change the world. As the cornerstone of deep learning and scientific computing, GPU plays a vital role in it.

In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), we must recognize the dual aspects of development: model training and inference. Inference involves the functionality and output of AI models, while training includes the complex process required to build intelligent models, which includes machine learning algorithms, data sets, and computing power.

Taking GPT4 as an example, if developers want to obtain high-quality reasoning, they need to obtain comprehensive basic data sets and huge computing power to train effective AI models. These resources are mainly concentrated in the hands of industry giants such as NVIDIA, Google, Microsoft and AWS.

High computing costs and entry barriers prevent more developers from entering the industry, and also make the top players stronger. They have large basic data sets and a lot of computing power, and have the ability to continuously increase their scale and reduce their costs, which makes the industry barriers more solid.

But we can't help but wonder, is there a way to reduce computing costs and industry entry barriers by using blockchain technology? The answer is yes. Decentralized distributed cloud computing provides us with such a solution in this era.

Despite the current situation where computing power is expensive and scarce, GPUs are not fully utilized. This is mainly because there is no ready-made way to integrate these scattered computing powers and make them work in a commercial way. Here are typical GPU utilization numbers for different workloads:

Most consumer devices with GPUs fall into the first three categories, which are idle (just booted into the Windows OS):

  • GPU utilization is: 0-2%;

  • General production tasks (writing, simple browsing): 0-15%;

  • Video playback: 15 - 35%.

The above data shows that computing resources are extremely underutilized, and in the Web2 world, there are no effective measures to collect and integrate these resources. But Crypto and blockchain economy may just be the right medicine to solve this challenge. The crypto economy has constructed an extremely efficient global market. Due to the unique token economy and the characteristics of a decentralized system, the pricing, circulation and matching of market supply and demand of resources are extremely efficient.

The development of AI affects the future of mankind, and the progress of computing power determines the development of AI. Since the invention of the first computer in the 1940s, the computing model has undergone many changes. From bulky mainframe computers to lightweight laptops, from centralized server purchases to computing power leasing, the threshold for obtaining computing power is gradually lowering. Before the emergence of cloud computing, companies had to purchase servers themselves and constantly update them with technological innovations, but the emergence of cloud computing has completely changed this model.

The basic concept of cloud computing is that the demand side rents a server, accesses it remotely, and pays according to the amount of use. Now, traditional enterprises are being subverted by cloud computing. In the field of cloud computing, virtualization technology is the core of this field. Virtualized servers can divide a powerful server into small servers and rent them out, and can dynamically mobilize various resources.

This model has completely changed the business landscape of the computing industry. In the past, people needed to buy computing facilities to meet their computing needs; but now they only need to pay rent on the website to enjoy high-quality computing services. The future development direction of cloud computing is edge computing. Because the traditional centralized system is too far away from the user, this will cause a certain degree of delay. Although the delay can be optimized, it can never be overcome due to the limitation of the speed of light.

However, emerging industries such as the metaverse, autonomous driving, and telemedicine have extremely low latency requirements, so cloud computing servers need to be moved closer to users. As a result, more and more small data centers are being deployed around users. This is edge computing.

Compared with centralized cloud computing providers, the advantages of decentralized cloud computing are mainly:

  • Accessibility and flexibility: It usually takes several weeks to obtain access to computing chips on cloud service providers such as AWS, GCP or Azure, and high-performance GPU models such as A100, H100, etc. are often out of stock. In addition, in order to obtain computing power, consumers usually need to sign long-term, inflexible contracts with these large companies, which not only causes time losses, but also makes business operations rigid and loses a certain degree of flexibility. In contrast, distributed computing power platforms can obtain computing power at any time and provide flexible hardware options, with stronger accessibility.

  • Lower price: Since idle chips are used, and the network protocol party provides token subsidies to chip and computing power suppliers, the distributed computing power network may be able to provide cheaper computing power.

  • Censorship resistance: Web3 systems such as and Aethir do not position themselves as permissionless systems. Compliance issues such as GDPR and HIPAA are handled during the GPU onboarding, data loading, data sharing, and result sharing stages.

With the further development of AI and the continued imbalance between supply and demand of GPUs, more developers will be driven to turn to decentralized cloud computing platforms. At the same time, during the bull market, due to the rise in the price of crypto tokens, GPU suppliers will earn more profits, which will stimulate more GPU providers to enter the market, forming a positive flywheel effect.

technical challenge

1. Parallelization Problem

Distributed computing platforms usually gather a long tail of chip supply, which means that a single chip supplier can hardly complete complex AI model training or reasoning tasks independently in a short period of time. If cloud computing platforms want to be competitive, they must disassemble and distribute tasks through parallelization to shorten the total completion time and improve the computing power of the platform.

However, the parallelization process faces a series of problems, including how to decompose tasks (especially for complex deep learning tasks), data dependencies, and additional communication costs between devices.

2. Risk of new technology substitution

With a lot of capital invested in ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) research and new inventions like Tensor Processing Units (TPU), there may be an impact on GPU clusters of decentralized computing platforms.

If these ASICs can provide good performance and trade off in terms of cost, the GPU market, which is currently dominated by large AI organizations, may return to the market. This will lead to an increase in GPU supply, which will affect the ecosystem of decentralized cloud computing platforms.

3. Regulatory risks

Because decentralized cloud computing systems operate in multiple jurisdictions and may be subject to different laws and regulations, there may be unique legal and regulatory challenges. Compliance requirements, such as data protection and privacy laws, may also be complex and challenging.

At present, the users of cloud computing platforms are mainly professional developers and institutions, who prefer to use a platform for a long time and will not change it at will. Whether to use a decentralized platform or a centralized platform, price is only one of the considerations, and these users pay more attention to the stability of the service. Therefore, if a decentralized platform has strong integration capabilities and stable and sufficient computing power, it will be easier to win the favor of these customers, obtain long-term cooperative relationships and stable cash flow income.

Next, I will introduce Aethir, a new distributed computing project that focuses on game rendering and AI in this cycle, and estimate its possible valuation after listing based on the current AI projects and distributed computing projects in the same field on the market.

Aethir Cloud is a decentralized real-time rendering platform built on the Arbitrum Network that helps gaming and AI companies deliver their products directly to consumers by aggregating and intelligently reallocating new and idle GPUs from enterprises, data centers, cryptocurrency mining operations, and consumers.

One of the key innovations of the project is the resource pool, which brings together decentralized computing contributors under a unified interface to provide services to global customers. A major feature of the resource pool is that GPU providers can freely connect or disconnect from the network, allowing enterprises or data centers with idle equipment to participate in the network during downtime, improving the flexibility of suppliers and equipment utilization.

The Aethir ecosystem operates on three core infrastructures:

  • Container: The key function of the container is to provide real-time remote rendering services, providing a "zero latency" experience. The container is the actual location of cloud computing, which acts as a virtual endpoint to execute and render applications. This transfers the workload from the local device to the container.

  • Checker: Checker nodes ensure the integrity and service quality of the Aethir network by checking Containers and their service processes. After completing the task, the Checker Node signs the result with its own private key and passes the result to the referee. The referee will receive 2N+1 results for each container, and each node that provides the same result as the majority will receive a token reward.

  • Indexer: As the core of the Aethir network, the Indexer matches consumers with suitable containers, ensuring fast startup of cloud applications and services. The goal is to provide "second-level" service - the transition from the consumer's request to the actual delivery (for example, the player sends a request to the game screen) should happen in the shortest possible time. This requires concise signaling and efficient scheduling. In order to maintain decentralization and enhance user experience, Indexers are randomly selected to reduce the potential fraud risk and signal delay of Indexers.

Aethir has a strong team and abundant resources, which is reflected in Aethir's existing achievements:

  • Aethir has reached a cooperation agreement with the io.netT network. The two ecosystems will be integrated to provide customers with a perfect GPU computing experience including services such as clusters and serverless reasoning. At the same time, the Aethir and communities will exchange $50 million in airdrops, that is, both parties will airdrop tokens worth $50 million to each other's community members to promote the development of the entire ecosystem.

  • Aethir is partnering with Theta EdgeCloud, the first decentralized AI cloud edge computing platform, to launch the world’s largest hybrid GPU marketplace.

  • Aethir signed a contract with WellLink, the largest cloud gaming company with over 64 million monthly active users, focusing on mixed reality metaverse and game development, and also signed a contract with the world’s largest game studio with 150 million monthly active users.

  • Signed a contract with the world’s largest telecommunications company with an annual recurring revenue of $5 million (likely to rise to $13.9 million in the near future).

  • We have reached a cooperation with Meta48 and become the exclusive GPU cloud computing service provider for its mixed reality products. Meta48 is a technology company focusing on the development of the Web3.0 metaverse. Its core product is the metaverse world that combines XR elements such as extended reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR).

  • Another 10 contracts in the gaming space are in the pipeline.

Aethir sold nodes worth $80 million in the first quarter of 2024, the highest sales for both the Depin project and the AI ​​project. Aethir has also verified the market demand for enterprise-level GPUaaS customers in AI model training, virtual computing, and gaming, with three existing contracts expected to generate more than $20 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR) in the first quarter of 2024. Since the project went live, revenue from service fees has reached $1.8 million.

In contrast, the entire DePin industry only generated $24 million in ARR last year. These sales revenues not only far exceed other leading protocols in the same industry, but also demonstrate Aethir's extraordinary position in the industry, bringing it huge valuation space. At the same time, its strong resources and strong strength will help it expand its scale, enhance its technical strength, form strong competitiveness, and create a sustainable and self-reinforcing growth cycle.

Aethir Edge is a hardware device launched by Aethir Network to power the next generation of GPU cloud computing. The device uses state-of-the-art technology, including the QualcommÂź Snapdragon 865 chip and 12GB LPDDR5 memory, to process data-intensive workloads at the edge.

Aethir Edge has 256GB UFS 3.1 storage capacity, providing high-speed data access, as well as 1000M GE LAN network port and WIFI6 2T2R + BT5.2 connection. This gives Aethir Edge enterprise-level computing capabilities.

It can collect various idle GPU resources through the Aethir network and transmit them directly to end users through the Internet. This industry model of gathering small amounts of resources into a big tower will gather a large number of idle computing resources, greatly improving the supply and availability of computing power, which is of great significance to the artificial intelligence and gaming industries.

Aethir Edge allows every user to participate in the Aethir network as a computing power provider and obtain token rewards without having to own a professional graphics card. Users can connect it to the network via wireless or wired connection. Once connected, Aethir Edge will be managed through a dedicated mobile application, allowing users to optimize device performance and set it for specific tasks, such as GPU computing.

With this device, users can make full use of their device's bandwidth, IP address or GPU computing resources. Unlike the high threshold of professional mining machines, Aethir Egde lowers the threshold for people to provide computing resources. Everyone can buy one and use its underutilized computing power to profit.

At the same time, the lightness and flexibility of Aethir Edge enables it to be distributed over a wide geographical area, which allows Aethir's GPU cloud to cover a wider range than traditional clouds, while greatly reducing network latency, allowing users in remote areas to enjoy the convenience brought by cloud computing.

Aethir's core team has diverse backgrounds. Aethir's founder is an experienced manager with a successful track record in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, Web3, and gaming. Its team members include former Web3 institutional practitioners, traditional financial investment institutional practitioners, and technical personnel from traditional technology companies. It can be inferred that the team has good connections and resource integration capabilities in both Web2 and Web3.

  • Mark Rydon: Co-founder and CEO, has held key positions at NOTA Platform, Flux Capital, Gaas LTD, Kulture Athletics, Inc., and Bechtel Corporation.

  • Daniel Wang: Co-founder and Chief Business Officer, previously held positions at IVC (Venture Partner), YGG SEA (CIO), Riot Games (Director of International Publishing Management), and Riot Games China (Operations Director).

  • Kyle Okamoto: Chief Technology Officer, formerly CEO and GM of Ericsson’s IoT, Automotive and Security businesses, CEO of Edge Gravity, and Chief Network Officer of Verizon Media.

  • Seed round (token round, early 2022), $60 million valuation, undisclosed financing amount.

  • Pre-A round (token round, early 2023), financing of US$9 million, valuation of US$150 million.

The second round of investment was led by Hashkey Capital, and other investors included Mirana Ventures, Animoca Brands, Maelstrom Capital, Sanctor Capital, Merit Circle, Big Brain Holdings, Builder Capital, Momentum 6, Tess Ventures, CitizenX Crypto Ventures, and Lapin Digital.

There are five types of people in the Aethir network:

Miners, developers, users, token holders, and the Aethir DAO.

There are three types of miners:

  • Container: provides remote rendering services;

  • Checker: Evaluates the performance and service quality of the container;

  • Indexer: matches the appropriate container for the user.

User: Use Aethir Edge to provide idle GPU computing power.

The system's ecological token is $ATH, and the total token supply is 42 billion.

50% of the total token supply is allocated to miners: computing power providers and checker nodes.

35% of them are allocated to computing power providers:

Edge/Enterprise/IDC: Idle GPU computing power and high-performance GPU computing power providers provided by professional institutions. 23% of the tokens are allocated to Edge, and the remaining 12% of the tokens are allocated to Enterprise and IDC.

15% of the tokens are allocated to checker nodes, 10% of which are allocated over a four-year period, and the remaining 5% are used for performance incentives for checker nodes. Private placement and team member tokens have a lock-up period of one year or more.

Three types of uses for $ATH:

1. Transaction purposes: purchase of computing power and compensation for miners’ services; as the Aethir ecosystem continues to develop, merged mining and integrated markets are introduced into the Aethir network, $ATH will continue to serve as a medium of exchange in different applications.

2. Governance purpose: ATH token holders have the right to make governance suggestions on the platform in the DAO and participate in discussions and voting.

3. Staking: Node operators need to stake $ATH tokens to ensure their security and reliability. If the node acts maliciously, the tokens will be partially or completely cut. At the same time, containers can obtain more token rewards by staking. The more the stakes, the better the container performance and the more token rewards they will receive.

At the same time, rewards are distributed in stages, depending on the amount of work and performance completed by the container. For the invalid calculations of the above nodes, the system will deduct this part of the reward and divide the reward into three parts: 10% of them are destroyed, 25% are used to redistribute to nodes eligible for rewards, and the remaining 75% are allocated to the DAO for future redistribution.

Miners need to purchase Aethir Checker licenses to become a Checker node. Node sales adopt a pyramid-shaped tiered pricing structure, with a starting price of 0.1259wETH and a total of 100,000 nodes. Node sales are conducted in two ways: whitelist and public sale. High-level nodes have low prices and corresponding quantities. As low-priced nodes are sold out, buyers can only purchase higher-priced nodes. Currently, node sales have exceeded US$80 million.

At the same time, in order to encourage node buyers to promote node sales, the Aethir project has adopted a rebate system. Buyers who use the node sales referral code will receive a 10% or 5% purchase rebate, and the provider of the referral code will receive a 10% or 5% rebate. Judging from the purchase results, the provider of the referral code received a considerable rebate. The design of this system will encourage node buyers to promote the project to more people, achieving the dual results of breaking the circle and increasing sales revenue.


After the purchase is successful, the buyer will receive an NFT, which represents a permanent license for Checker Node. NFT owners can earn mining rewards by running nodes themselves or in a hosted manner. Node NFTs can be valued in a form similar to perpetual bonds. The theoretical total value of NFTs in the current market is equal to the total market value of ATH multiplied by 15%, while simplifying the process of cash discounting. That is:

If the coin price is too high and the NFT price is too low, that is, the left formula is smaller than the right formula, the demand for NFT will increase. If the coin price is too low and the left formula is larger than the right formula, the supply of NFT will increase until the price returns to the equilibrium level. At the same time, NFTs cannot be transferred within the first year of the node sale, ensuring the continued stability of the checker nodes in the network. However, the price of NFTs will have an impact on the $ATH price to a certain extent.

Since the sales model of node NFT is a pyramid-style tiered pricing model, it means that players who hold low-cost NFTs at the beginning will get lower-cost chips. In other words, their payback period is shorter and their motivation to hold tokens is weaker. Compared with players with a long payback period, their selling pressure will be heavier.

To solve this problem, Aethir designed the $vATH solution to alleviate selling pressure. First, Checker nodes earn income through mining rewards. 10% of the total token supply will be allocated to checker nodes over a 4-year period, and the other 5% of tokens will be used to provide bonuses to eligible nodes. Secondly, these rewards are distributed in the form of $vATH. When checkers claim their token rewards, these tokens will have a 30-day or 120-day token lock-up period depending on different conditions. After the lock-up period, $vATH will be converted to $ATH and can be sold.

If $vATH holders want to withdraw tokens early and skip the lock-up period, 75% of their converted tokens will be used as a penalty and they will lose the eligibility to receive bonuses. After 120 days, the default lock-up period will be increased to 180 days, which means that the time for checkers to withdraw token rewards again will be extended and the selling pressure will be effectively alleviated.

Aethir Edge is the hardware component of the Aethir Depin stack. Through Aethir Edge, ordinary users can provide their underutilized computing power, bandwidth and other resources to the Aethir network and receive token rewards accounting for 23% of the total $ATH. The official sales price of Aethir Edge has not yet been disclosed.

We can speculate that the token rewards obtained through Edge mining may have a certain lock-up period like the checker node, and because Edge transfer is more difficult and the user exit cost is high, the lock-up period of its token rewards may be shorter, thereby encouraging more users to participate.

In summary, selling checker nodes and Edge miners is one of the important means for the project to make profits. In the context of the checker nodes being sold out, how to sell more miners has become an important goal of the current project operation. Improving the expected mining income is an important means. When the $ATH token was issued, there were only about 5% of the circulating chips in the market. The project has the motivation to actively increase the price of the coin, thereby increasing the popularity of the project and the annualized income, thereby attracting more users to participate in the construction of the Aethir ecological network.

Next, let’s sort out the valuations and financing amounts of other projects in the same track.

  • is a decentralized computing network that aims to combine 1 million GPUs to form the world's largest GPU cluster and DePIN infrastructure. It combines cloud computing, AI, and DePIN concepts. The token is about to be launched. The A round of financing has raised $30 million, with a valuation of $1 billion, and is invested by well-known institutions such as Hack VC and OKX Ventures.

  • Grass: Grass is the flagship product of Wynd Network, which allows users to profit from Internet connections by selling unused network resources. It belongs to the cloud computing and AI track and has raised a total of US$4.5 million in two rounds.

  • Render Network: RNDR is a decentralized GPU-based rendering solution provider that connects users who perform rendering jobs with users who have idle GPUs through a rendering network. It belongs to the cloud computing and AI track, has raised $30 million in financing, and has a circulating market value of $3.5 billion.

  • Akash: Akash Network is a distributed peer-to-peer market for cloud computing, which mainly uses idle CPU computing power for leasing. It belongs to the cloud computing track, with a circulating market value of US$1.25 billion.

  • Gensyn: Gensyn is a distributed computing network for training AI models. It belongs to the cloud computing and AI track and has raised a total of US$49.5 million, led by a16z.

  • GAIMIN: GAIMIN created a decentralized data processing network that uses the excess computing power of gaming PCs to monetize their computing power. It belongs to the cloud computing and gaming track, with an FDV of $900 million.

  • Hive: Hive is a distributed data storage and computing platform that allows users to rent out their computing resources and perform localized storage and processing. It belongs to the cloud computing and infrastructure track and has raised a total of US$20 million.

  • Meson Network: Meson Network is the data transmission foundation for decentralized storage, computing, and the emerging Web3 DApp ecosystem. It integrates and monetizes idle bandwidth from long-tail users at low cost. It belongs to the infrastructure and cloud computing track. It is invested by well-known venture capitals such as OKX venture, with a valuation of US$1 billion and an undisclosed amount of financing.

  • Flux: Flux is a decentralized Web3 cloud infrastructure consisting of user-operated, scalable and globally distributed computing nodes. It belongs to the infrastructure and cloud computing track, and its current circulating market value is US$340 million.

  • is a decentralized cloud computing platform that aims to provide on-demand serverless computing as well as database and storage infrastructure for decentralized application and protocol development. It belongs to the cloud computing and infrastructure track, with financing of US$10 million and FDV of US$180 million.

  • FormAI: FormAI is creating a decentralized and distributed computing network mainly used for training and reasoning of artificial intelligence models. It belongs to the cloud computing, Depin and AI tracks. Financing and valuation information is unknown.

Here, we select, Render, Akash, and Gensyn, four cloud computing projects with comparable investment lineup and valuation strength to Aethir for detailed comparison and introduction.'s decentralized applications are built on Solana, focusing on consumer and enterprise AI/ML. As of the time of writing, has a total of 648,043 GPUs and 94,750 CPUs. Among them, there are 44,398 H100 and A100, 21,777 A100-SXM4-80GB, 18,409 A100 80GB PCIe, and 320 A100 PCIe 80 GB K8S. This model has the highest usage rate. When the author consulted the information (2024/4/24), the usage rate reached 94%; there are 30 H100 80G PCIe K8S.


Render Network mainly focuses on rendering services. Currently, there are 23,651 GPUs, 1,006 CPUs, 141 H100 PCIe, and 2 H100 80GB HBM3 in the network.


Akash has a total of 21,500 CPUs and 374 GPUs, including 149 H100 and A100 graphics cards of different models.


Gensyn aims to pool idle computing resources around the world to enable low-cost and high-scale programmatic machine learning training. Its network is currently in Devnet mode, and there are no public statistics on its network size. has a leading advantage in the number of connected GPUs. In comparison, Aethir has a total of 41,756 GPUs, including 3,000 H100s and 440 online H100s. Its number of enterprise-level high-performance graphics cards is more advantageous than RNDR, Akash, and Gensyn.

At the same time, Aethir can offer the most favorable A100 equipment rental rate at a cost of $0.33 per hour. This price has a clear competitive advantage compared to both Web2 giants and Web3 competitors.

Source: Messari,, Akash Network, Aethir Network

Whoever controls computing power controls the world. In the AI ​​era, we do not want computing power to be monopolized by a few people like rare diamonds, so people choose decentralized cloud computing and use blockchain to reshape productivity and production relations in this revolution.

As a powerful player with the triple core narrative of AI+DEPIN+GAMEFI, Aethir has achieved many outstanding results even before the token was launched. Its strong team strength and resource background mean that this project has just started and will eventually achieve amazing results.

The launch of Aethir Edge breaks the bottleneck of high latency in edge computing, allowing everyone to contribute computing power and everyone to obtain computing power. Aethir Cloud can be deployed to every corner of the world due to the convenience of Edge.

At present, this computing power revolution has just begun. Aethir will stand out from many projects by bridging the gap between high-performance computing needs and Web3 AI technology. I believe that after its token is launched, its performance will definitely become a dazzling new star in the market!



