I lost tens of thousands of dollars in Bitcoin in half a year. How can I achieve financial freedom? Full of useful information! ! ! !

Let me teach some simple skills to newcomers.

Set your own position holding method, don't be greedy, adjust your position according to your own position holding method regardless of whether it goes up or down.

Let's take the simplest example. You take 10,000 RMB to invest, and you decide to control half of the position. In other words, regardless of whether it goes up or down, ensure that 50% of the market value of the initial 10,000 is Bitcoin.

Then set it up to control the position every period of time (such as every week) or every certain increase or decrease (such as 50%).

So, assuming that Bitcoin 9 is currently 10,000 yuan, you buy 5,000 yuan, which is 0.5 coins.

If it rises to 20,000, then clear part of the position. Since you still have 5,000 yuan and 0.5 coins in your current investment position, and 0.5 coins are worth 10,000 yuan, then sell 0.125 to ensure that you have 7,500 yuan and 0.375 coins.

If Bitcoin falls back to 10,000 yuan, then increase your holdings. Since you have 7,500 yuan and 0.375 coins, and since these 0.375 coins are only worth 3,750, then buy part of it and keep 5,625 yuan and 0.5625 coins.

You see, it's very simple. You have changed from 5,000 yuan and 0.5 coins to 5,625 yuan and 0.5625 coins. Both coins and money have increased.

This is called dynamic position adjustment. When we do quantitative, we can make this an effective risk-free high-frequency quantitative strategy by controlling the frequency of position adjustment, the interval of position adjustment, the control of handling fees, the addition of random variables, the probability cloud algorithm, the hidden liquidity judgment, and the re-adjustment of positions up and down the moving average.

This strategy is not ineffective. If the market only rises or falls, it will fail. Only when the market remains volatile can you make money steadily.

Because if the market only rises, it is better to be fully invested. If the market only falls, it is better to control the position. However, if you know whether the market rises or falls, you can become the richest man in a minute with 100 times leverage, and you don’t need to look at this answer?

I believe that in the long run, the market will not rise (or fall) alone, but will definitely fluctuate. It is nothing more than a short-term increase in price, or a period of rise and fall, and it is necessary to control the proportion of position adjustment in different periods to ensure that the risk is minimized in terms of probability.

But I think it's too difficult for you as a newcomer. So don't think too much about it, just set a position control frequency and position ratio, then make a position, and strictly implement the position adjustment behavior you have set.

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