April 26, 2024

✅️Market review and analysis

The two negative news mentioned yesterday caused the market to enter a correction and shock period again. It is Saturday and Sunday, and it is estimated that the market will be in a range of shocks in the next few days!

The big cake BTC opened at 64289 yesterday, the highest was 65297, the lowest was 62794, and the closing price was 64498, an increase of 0.32%, and an amplitude of 3.89%

The second cake ETH opened at 3140 yesterday, the highest was 3191, the lowest was 3072, and the closing price was 3150, an increase of 0.48%, and an amplitude of 3.80%

It can be seen that the intraday range fluctuations are less than 4%, with shocks, rebounds at the support level, and callbacks at the pressure level.

The current price of the big cake is around 64500, and the current price of the second cake is around 3150. The intraday market

The pressure level of the big cake is 65000/65800/66500

The support level is 64000/63400/62800

The pressure level of the second cake is 3200/3260/3350

The support level is 3100/3060/3000

Low-long-high-altitude, the shock market continues.

✅️Spot sector

The junk market, the fan sector can selectively use floating funds to make waves, and it is easy to eat this secondary profit.

The Meme sector still has a relatively strong rebound, such as Pepe Bonk Bome Floki and so on.

The trend will not change. No matter how many negative factors there are, the big cake has not gone down. Here it takes time to digest and consolidate

Just hold the spot in your hand, don’t think too much, everything will come back, it is not a blind belief in chicken blood recharge, the bull market baptism is inevitable!

Brother Yu has been adding positions in Ordi, the leader of inscriptions, and will not let everyone down!

Today's ❤️499 Tiantuan❤️ code

Gal spot 4.0/4.1 price, Zhi loss 3.8