I have nothing to do today

The market is so red

Let me summarize several KOL factions on Twitter

1 Crazy and manic faction: Ethereum will fall to 800, Bitcoin will fall to 10,000

2, Every day is like having rabies, every speech is full of mania.

2 The last drop faction: No matter how many times it falls, no matter how it falls, he will always tell you very seriously that there is one last drop.

3 Beauty selfie faction: Ignore the rise and fall of the market, whether the market falls or rises, it seems that it has nothing to do with her. She doesn’t care about the rise and fall of the market at all. When you are watching the K-line, she may be editing photos. Maybe when the market plummets, she is still editing videos. Every day, she records a video, takes a photo, eats, plays, and takes slow-motion selfies. Every day, there are all kinds of Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, various meetings, and various photos. The text part of the tweet can basically be ignored. It doesn’t matter what the text is, the main thing is to post selfies.

4 The awesome party: He often quotes his previous tweets and asks you, "Brother, am I awesome or not?" You tell me whether I am awesome or not. Am I awesome or not?"

5 The real-time market statement party: When Bitcoin fell by 3 points, he tweeted that Bitcoin fell; when Bitcoin fell by 3 points and went sideways, he tweeted that Bitcoin seemed to have stabilized; then when it fell from 3 points to 1 point, he tweeted that Bitcoin was going to rebound; when Bitcoin fell back to 3 points, he tweeted that it seemed that Bitcoin's rebound was weak and continued to be bearish.

6 The real-time hot news broadcast party: No matter what hot news happened, whether it was about the currency circle or the military, he would publish the news intact at the first time without any comments, and mainly played the role of a repeater.

7 The bearish party when it fell and the bullish party when it rose: If it fell to 60,000, he would be bearish to 55,000, and list various reasons for the fall; if it rose to 65,000, he would be bullish to 70,000, and list various reasons for the rise.

8. Bullish when the market falls, bearish when the market rises: When the market rises, they always tell you to pay attention to the risks and that the market will be adjusted back soon; when the market falls, they always tell you not to panic and that the market will rebound soon.

9. Chicken Soup for the Soul: There is always endless chicken soup for the soul, they don’t talk to you about the market, they don’t talk to you about the market, they always tell you 12345678 things, they teach you how to be a person, they teach you to see through the essence of the world, they teach you to see through the fickleness of the world.

10 Cult faction: There is always a set of its own, magical market remarks, rise and fall theories, trading insider information, etc. that no one can understand or figure out. It seems that they are standing in the perspective of God, preaching their cult theories to ordinary people like you and me every day, and often stop talking halfway, and then tell you the rest for you to understand by yourself. It is not good to say too much.

11 K-line fighting faction: What happened to the 4-hour line, what happened to the 2-hour line, where is the golden cross, where is the dead cross, keep fighting 24 hours a day to ensure victory in every battle.

12 Soul torture faction: Send soul torture to fans every day, such as what if I lose money again? What if my girlfriend runs away with someone again? What if my coin rises just after I sell it? What if my mother asks me to go on a blind date again?

13 Forever earning faction: This faction is relatively well-known, so I won’t go into details.

14 Forget it, let’s just talk about it. What other factions are there, I will leave it to you to summarize.

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