Many people think that it is easy to make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies. Don't be misled by some so-called "masters" and "cryptocurrency bosses". The truth is far more complicated than this.

Mr. Wu Jinglian once said that the cryptocurrency market is not even as good as a casino, because casinos have rules, but here everything is open. Many novices gradually understand this truth after experiencing many losses. In this market, it is difficult to find a real master or teacher, because if such a person really exists, why would they brag about their skills online and ask you to pay tuition and recommend currencies for dividends? In fact, people who make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies do not rely on any secrets to selecting coins or catching big bull coins, but on patience. In a bull market, heavy positions plus faith will make you a big winner. If you are optimistic about a currency, do in-depth research, and think it has a bright future, then hold it firmly, throw a little when it rises sharply, and add a little when it falls sharply. This is their secret to making money.

Making money by speculating in cryptocurrencies does not rely on luck or secrets, but requires patience and in-depth research. Don't be confused by false propaganda in the market. Only by looking at risks rationally can you truly realize wealth appreciation.