$MINIPEPE burst onto the scene as a meme coin from humble beginnings. From a once barren presence on social media, he quickly rose to prominence, attracting the attention of crypto luminaries.

$MINIPEPE took a bold step by initiating a pre-sale simply by sharing a wallet address. The response was overwhelming, raising over $10 million in just 24 hours. Such fervor even led to the temporary blocking of their account on the social network, but after it was restored, the team defiantly declared: “I won’t fucking leave,” accompanied by a playful meme.

With a rapidly growing following of 34,000, the upcoming launch of $MINIPEPE promises to leave a lasting impression on the cryptocurrency landscape.

However, amid the frenzy, caution is advised regarding fake tokens masquerading as $MINIPEPE. Verify authenticity using their official channels exclusively.

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