Pay attention to the extreme pull of the big cake tonight!

Look at the picture, tomorrow evening will inevitably show a direction for the ultra-short-term!

That is, the volatility will increase!

The trend at this moment is suppressed by the 30-minute trend, forcing retail investors to make a choice, either breaking through or breaking through!

This pattern is a pattern that has to make an ultra-short-term direction choice!

1⃣️ Pay attention to the hundreds of dollars of pork trotter rice that breaks through the 63700 line. It’s not a big problem!

2⃣️ The hundreds of dollars of pork trotter rice that fall below the 62700 line are also OK!

Follow the signal, what the signal tells you, you do!

Don’t blindly guess the market by yourself!

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 $BTC