So far, this round is called a bull market where no one takes over:

Institutions are running the show, chain-level narratives, 1 billion valuations, and the listing unlocks the sale of coins, but retail investors don’t take it.

BRC20 is issued fairly, and retail investors have high-intensity execution to speculate on high targets. There is no time and space for the bottom to accommodate big money, so institutions don’t take it.

The coins that Binance takes the lead in supporting are not listed on OK, and the coins that OK takes the lead in supporting are not listed on Binance. Each of them has its own mountaintops and finds thugs. Everyone has a bunch of projects in their hands, and the exchanges don’t take over each other.

The East plays with inscriptions, and the West rushes to depin. Now the West starts to rush to inscriptions and runes, and the East forms L2 again. The East and the West don’t take over each other.

Advocate playing new instead of old, the old market is difficult to support alone, the new market is not yet mature, and imitation markets are pouring in, and the new and old don’t take over each other.

Stock game, experienced in the battlefield, both are very smart, and those who remain are elites.

If you don’t know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you pay attention to me. Whether it is fresh goods or Heyue, a slight move may be your limit. The opportunity is very short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck, choice is more important than hard work, and circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already half successful in the currency circle!