Regarding the cryptocurrency circle, I have a few things I don't understand. What did the leeks do wrong to make our retail investors' faces full of tears?

1. Why doesn't China consider the pilot of cryptocurrency?

2. Why should we strongly oppose the product of the trend?

3. Why can the garbage copycat be listed on the top exchanges?

4. Why are so many garbage coins listed every year?

5. Why is the threshold of the cryptocurrency circle so low? Don't they check it?

6. Why are the more popular the currency, the more leeks are cut?

7. Why can dog dealers reduce their holdings unscrupulously and without restraint?

8. Why are domestic public chains not as good as Jewish and Slavic ones?

9. Why is the cryptocurrency circle not always a barometer of the economy?

Click the main leaf to follow the official account: Bifangshe, free to enter the skirt

10. Why have there been two or three rounds of bull markets, and the domestic chain has never been on the table?

Is it an increasingly concentrated and unrestrained power that is doing whatever it wants?

Is there anything else you don't understand? Welcome to add it?