Today's market analysis belongs to the nanny level. Basically, every step of today's K-line trend has been analyzed in place. And the detailed data has been given in advance. If you can't make money by reading this article, Lao Deng can only say that you really don't need to make money in the currency circle!

Although today's market fluctuations are relatively small, they are very regular and are a very profitable band. As long as you follow Lao Deng's analysis, you will basically make money. We see that Lao Deng posted at 11 o'clock in the morning that the first pressure level 62054 bulls sold for the first time, and then Lao Deng posted at 2 o'clock that the lower 0.236 support level 60771, note that this point is very close to the lowest point of 60763 in the afternoon. Then at 19:15, it reached the second pressure level 62627 mentioned by Lao Deng. This position is the highest position that the bulls have pulled up today. There began to be a large amount of selling, and it fell rapidly at the peak of 63000, completing today's selling action. In the next step, Lao Deng predicts that those who follow the bulls will close their positions at highs. The next focus is 0.786, the third pressure level of 63443.

Trading is not just buying and selling, but also a kind of mentality training. We must learn to find a balance between greed and fear, not blindly follow the trend, not be confused by short-term fluctuations, and look at the market with a long-term perspective.

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