My Crypto Journey

Part 1

I got to know crypto at the beginning of 2021.

When I first entered it was momentum less than a year after the 3rd Bitcoin Halving. The market at that time was so exciting, every day we would see various coins increasing by more than 60% every day, and that was normal for that time.

The market is so bullish, FOMO is so strong, and thousands of fake analyzes are popping up. Even though you have to know that at times like that, you are recommending 10 random coins as long as they are not coins that were just launched yesterday, it is impossible that none of these coins will be good in a week, because at that time the market after the Halving was really very bullish.

At that time, I had just entered the crypto market for the first time, and was very surprised by the situation at that time. With disbelief, what is this illegal stuff that can make our money from $100 to $300 in just 1 night, maybe even $100 to $10,000 if you invest in shitcoins that are being pumped by WHALE.

Then with a little courage and a lot of doubt, I tried to enter the market with small capital. And it's true, I really felt at that time making money was very easy in the crypto market. I suddenly became a wise person in terms of investment, taught and directed many of my friends and family to start investing in cryptocurrencies no matter how small, because this is the future in my opinion.

I saw many opportunities at that time and also saw many deadly traps from big players.

And after I looked for teachings and direction from mentors who had been involved in the crypto world for a long time, it turned out that this was indeed a common thing that happened after the Halving occurred.

So even now I am sure, everything will get better and will get better and it will even really surprise you all, it's just that the time is not yet. And in my opinion a significant increase will occur at the earliest at the end of June and at the latest in early August. So it's not too late for all of you to participate, but choose a project that really has real benefits.

Always DYOR