You can trade everyday or you can HODL for long term.

Where does HODLing come from?

On December 18th 2013, the user GameKyuubi posted in the bitcointalk forum about his trading and keeping his assets, then he wrote #hodling instead of holding.

Now it is said that HODL can be also an acronym: Hold On for Dear Life.

  • If you value technological advances over price variation and speculation.

  • If you keep your cryptocurrency portfolio intact and keep it in spite of rises in value, bubbles or offers to buy.

  • If you keep your Bitcoins or any other crypto and don`t sell them.

>>> You are a #HODLer

6 reasons that may you like to be one, if not already:

  1. Less risk. As you just buy some crypto and wait. You can check market and decide when it is the best moment to sell or keep waiting for some weeks, months or years.

  2. Peace of mind. You just let your cryptos in your portfolios and you can forget about them. You donÂŽt need to monitor market, analyze charts or execute trades. It is just simple as buy and keep calm your emotions.

  3. Long-term. You can forget about market noise, FOMO, FUD, if you have done your research, dyor, about the crypto you want, trust them, know their value and potential, it is just a matter of waiting.

  4. Greater returns. If you check historical data, you can see many strategies recommended just HODL as for long term you can have more than short term trades.

  5. Reduction of fees. Every time you buy and sell, there is some costs. If you HODL, then you just have to pay some fees when you decide to sell some of your crypto.

  6. Tax efficiency. In many countries if you HODL, you don®t have to pay taxes, if you trade, permute into another crypto and not only change into your own fiat local currency, you have to pay 19 – 50% tax.  

So then, are you a Chibi HODLER?

Or instead of that you prefer the emotions, risks and daily emotions of trading?

Image: Chibipi with The Little HODLer & The Little Bitcoin from Lina Seiche and #binancesocks