When you make money, the stock market is very good, but when you lose, the dark forces behind the stock market are playing tricks. Because you see yourself as an expert, you blame your loss on others. But in fact, the money you lose is someone else's gain, and the money you gain is someone else's loss. In general, only the more patient one wins.
The green analyzes on a black screen and graphs for show purposes that you see are not the style of people who make money. These are generally the work of fraudsters who want to convince you and steal your money. People who earn very good money do not chase after the few dollars they can get from you, they do not advertise, they do not even care about you.
If you do not know that technical indicators only make predictions based on past prices and are of no use in practice, do not waste money here.
Rsi, mac, stochastic, etc.. These were just indicators that were calculated by sticking to the formulation with a pen and a notebook when there were no computers, and they were just a few. Since they all followed the same methods, the average result would be the same, and when they said buy, the majority would look at them, so they would buy and it would rise. Likewise, when he said sell, the majority would sell and the market would retreat. Now there are thousands of indicators and no one follows the standard formulas and uses different formulas. There are hundreds of variants of RSI alone. This ensures that the signals that will guide most traders come out differently.
No indicators, no analysis... prices increase or decrease depending on the movement of the major currency or the strength of the community behind the currency.
Follow me for accurate predictions or major analyses. I encourage you to read my past thoughts.