Try not to touch contracts when trading cryptocurrencies

#etf #比特币减半 #大盘走势

It’s not that contracts cannot be played. It’s not necessarily that contracts are risky. Spot trading is not risky

It’s just that it’s not recommended for novices to play contracts. Novices are facing this market without training and measures to deal with losses. They will only hold on.

First of all, you have to understand that the way this world works is that there are accidents in the world. This kind of accident is the uncertainty of the world.

For example, you are on a plane and the plane falls, you go out and get struck by lightning, you drive and get hit by a car, you find a girlfriend and your girlfriend betrays you and embezzles your assets. The child you raised with great difficulty may become a scumbag, a criminal, or a vampire who sucks your blood.

These are all relatively bad probabilistic events. As long as a person’s life is long enough and he does it enough times, he will encounter such things.

And it is certain that he will encounter them. Of course, many people don’t take many flights and can only live for a few decades, so they may not encounter them. But if you assume that your life span is infinite, you will encounter them.

I've gone off topic again. What I really want to say is that there is a mechanism for liquidation in contracts, which is the biggest risk.

For other coins, even air coins, there is a risk of running away and returning to zero, but there is no liquidation mechanism.

The only risk of contracts is liquidation.

For example, you are right and the general direction is not wrong, but you are liquidated first, and then it rises or falls again.

If you look back at TRB, you will know that a buddy was liquidated for 500,000 U in order to eat the funding rate, just to make a mere 2%.

He never thought about doing contracts, he just wanted to eat the rate, but ended up liquidating. What's more, he is a person who does contracts.

You want to do contracts, unless the chips are in your hands. If you control 90% of the chips, then the market is up to you. But you don't have this strength.

You want to do contracts again. Isn't that courting death?

You may say, I will only do Bitcoin and Ethereum. Then the question is, contracts have funding rates, and spot has no cost.

If you dare to open 3 times, then you have a chance to be liquidated, you open 10%. What's the point of contracts then? The funding rate is also consumed. Therefore, contracts are not suitable for novices. Contracts are a tool for experts to make short-term huge profits, but in the long run, they will return to zero.

The market will launch a annihilation from time to time, so that the profits of these people will return to the market.

Those who come in, don't even think about escaping. I'm not afraid of you making money, I'm afraid you don't play

So don't play, just hoard the spot.

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