MoreLogin fingerprint browser has been audited by a security audit agency, the relevant security audit documents are very clear, and the plug-in has been encrypted layer by layer.

The local mode is audited and will store all information locally without leaking any information.

Fingerprint Browser Tutorial
1. Register MoreLogin
First open the following link and click to register an account (you need to use my link to register to get a 50-window half-month trial period)
Then download the app and log in

2. Configure Morelogin
After entering the Morelogin application, click Create New Environment and then add the environment as shown in the figure. Each environment is a window

After creating the environment, click Environment Management. Here we can group the windows
Open 10 windows at a time in a group of 10. Start synchronizer operation


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[MoreLogin Fingerprint Browser Usage Tutorial] Register and get 50 windows for half a month!

MoreLogin fingerprint browser has been audited by a security audit agency, the relevant security audit documents are very clear, and the plug-in has been encrypted layer by layer.

The local mode is audited and will store all information locally without leaking any information.

Fingerprint Browser Tutorial
1. Register MoreLogin
First open the following link and click to register an account (you need to use my link to register to get a 50-window half-month trial period)
Then download the app and log in

2. Configure Morelogin
After entering the Morelogin application, click Create New Environment and then add the environment as shown in the figure. Each environment is a window

After creating the environment, click Environment Management. Here we can group the windows
Open 10 windows at a time in a group of 10. Start synchronizer operation

Then we click on the left extension, add extension, copy the Google extension download link and go there.
This way, each window can have an extension, saving you the time of downloading them one by one. Convenient~

At this point, we can open the window and use the wallet to remember the mnemonic, then open the synchronizer to complete various airdrop tasks~

3. About IP
The choice of IP has always been a problem for many brothers. Many people will use 1 IP corresponding to 1 window, but this will undoubtedly greatly increase the cost.
I usually choose 5 windows to correspond to one IP, so each window IP only needs 2U

Select Morelogin application to purchase with your own IP
Click on Agent Management and Purchase Agent to find out that there are many options for you to purchase.
Click on the pen next to the environment management-proxy information to edit-select an existing proxy and click OK to bind the IP to the window

Then after editing is completed, you can see the proxy information and we can use it normally when we start the window