How much should $WLD be worth to live off of Worldcoin?

#Worldcoin is a universal basic income protocol with cryptocurrencies.

The Worldcoin protocol grants those who have their eyes scanned on a special device called “Orb” bonuses in the WLD token. These can be considered a basic income.

As has been reported, this mechanism is not without risks and controversies, and has drawn the attention of many governments to Worldcoin, an organization that is being investigated in several countries.

Despite this, millions of people have gone through Worldcoin biometric scanning and are receiving, approximately every two weeks, 3 WLD bonuses.

And how much is this amount equivalent to? At the time of this publication, with WLD suffering from market ravages and trading at $4.80, Worldcoin's basic income is equivalent to about $28 per month (4.80 x 6).

A little over a month ago, when WLD was at an all-time high above $11, that basic income was equivalent to almost $70 (of course, that was only a reality for those who sold their WLDs at the all-time high price).

Next, we will see what price WLD should reach (and remain at) to “live off Worldcoin”. And we will also try to answer if it is realistic to think that WLD can reach such a price.

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