Please click on this article first‼ ️Short at the highest point before the crash, a summary of all articles and their points‼ ️Predicting BTC to fall below 60,000, ETH to 2888 series of articles and their benefits‼ ️I can no longer post my profit charts and divine prediction articles, the logic is not connected, and I don’t realize how accurate and foresighted our short orders are in this round of crash‼ ️This is our judgment on shorting since the highest point of the bull market. Please take a good look at it. From the highest point of the bull market, we shorted all the way until BTC fell from 7400 to below 60,000‼ ️ETH fell from 4086 to below 2888‼ ️

#比特币减半 2#CPI数据 #大盘走势