🔒1. Position control: Steady and steady

Capital safety first: Remember, 3-5% of the total position is used for trading, don't bite off more than you can chew!

Position-by-position trading strategy: Don't be afraid of the black swan, position-by-position trading, steady and stable!

Stop loss is the lifeblood: No stop loss in trading? Then you are running naked!

🛡️2. Stop loss strategy: Lock in profits and prevent big losses

Adjust stop loss after making profits: Don't forget to adjust the protection point after making money, don't let the profit slip away!

Stop loss insists on doing it: Even if you don't make the expected profit, stop loss can help you keep the principal.

💰3. Stop profit strategy: Don't let greed ruin you

Strictly stop profit according to the strategy: Don't miss the opportunity because you want to make more money!

Batch stop profit is more secure: Price fluctuations are large? Stop profit in batches, stable happiness!

🎯4. Trading strategy selection: It varies from person to person

Conservatives wait for three stars: low risk and stable income!

Radicals can choose two stars: but don't make the cabin too big, it's better to be safe than sorry!

📊5. Account management: splitting accounts is more sensible

CoinU separate accounts: strategies do not interfere with each other, and the risk is lower!

API backup operation: exchange can't be opened? API comes to the rescue, and the closing operation is not delayed!

💡Summary: Contract trading, risks and opportunities coexist. Only by making steady investments and doing a good job of risk management can you gain a firm foothold in the market! Remember, risk is always the first priority, and making money is the second

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