Get excited! Real traders will get excited when they see this kind of volatility...

There are opportunities only when there are fluctuations. As for those who are crying about liquidation, they all fail to control risks and manage positions well.

I almost didn't get a retracement in this wave, 5.6 points. But it's a pity that I didn't seize the opportunity to short. Although I had already made a short order a few days ago, it was useless if I didn't hold it. My level is still not enough. Preconceived thinking plus some off-market factors led to missing this wave. Keep working hard!

In addition, regarding bottom-fishing, I personally recommend not to bottom-fish with contracts. Bottom-fishing with contracts is easy to catch a flying knife, so it's unnecessary. For spot, it's safer to copy in batches. I currently only copy 20% of my positions, mainly Ethereum. I don't consider copycats for spot.

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