$EOS Many people are not optimistic about this coin. Many people say that the coin has not hit the bottom yet. Anyway, I personally think this coin still has great prospects. The mainnet online block processing speed is also very fast. However, the overall application development is still in the early stages and there is still room for development. It's very big. If you want to shoot, I have no opinion. Everyone has different opinions. As for what ram to buy, I don't recommend troublesome trading methods. There are risks in all transactions. Reduce transactions as much as possible in unsafe places. We can't buy at the lowest and sell at the highest. Buy roughly. You can be blessed but you can't enjoy it all and leave three points to your children and grandchildren#比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势 #非农数据 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥