Why did the three major U.S. stock indexes plummet collectively last night?

The main reasons for the collective plunge of the three major U.S. stock indexes are as follows:

First, concerns about inflation and geopolitical uncertainty have hit investor sentiment. Investors' concerns about inflation have made market sentiment pessimistic, and their risk appetite for the stock market has decreased. They have chosen to withdraw from the stock market, resulting in a sharp drop in stock indexes. At the same time, geopolitical uncertainty has also increased market volatility, making investors more cautious, further affecting the performance of the stock market.

Secondly, the general decline in large bank stocks has also put pressure on the market. As an important part of the market, the performance of bank stocks usually has a greater impact on the overall market. When large bank stocks fall, the market tends to be hit hard, which in turn triggers an overall plunge.

In addition, the Federal Reserve's monetary policy has also had an impact on the U.S. stock market. The Federal Reserve's attitude towards inflation and adjustments to monetary policy may trigger market fluctuations. When the market expects that the Federal Reserve may adopt a tightening policy, investors' concerns about the future economic outlook intensify, leading to a decline in the stock market.

It should be noted that the rise and fall of the stock market is the result of a combination of factors. In addition to the above factors, market sentiment, economic data, international situation, etc. may all have an impact on the performance of the three major US stock indexes. Therefore, when investors pay attention to market trends, they need to consider various factors comprehensively and make rational investment decisions.

The reasons for the collective plunge of the three major US stock indexes mainly include concerns about inflation and geopolitics, the decline of large bank stocks, and the impact of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy. These factors work together to lead to the overall decline of the market.

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