Saga has had an eventful ride since its release, rising to 7.9 before falling back to around 5.8. 🚀

Many enthusiasts and friends are wondering if now is the right time to enter the market. Here's the scoop:

First, the initial 90 million SAGA tokens in circulation came primarily from airdrops and retail investor mining. This selling pressure is not too significant, and with only 20 million airdropped tokens unlocked in August, circulating supply will remain limited until then. For a project like Saga, this position is solid.

Secondly, being a priority project for Binance, SAGA enjoys strong support from Binance. With the backing of Binance, SAGA is poised to become a flagship project. Currently, its market capitalization is undervalued by just over 500 million.

As for the recent lack of growth, there is a reason behind it, although it is not appropriate to go into details here. If you would like to understand more, consider joining my inner circle. There you will find detailed analysis of the project and access to high potential tokens prepared for this bull market.

Personally I have bought at 5.1 and continue to accumulate positions. Once this wave of selling pressure subsides, we anticipate a rise above 10u. Also, keep an eye on#ENAand other popular coins on the market for suitable ambush positions. I'll share ideas about these in the circle!