All friends in the cryptocurrency circle, please note that the adjustment of Bitcoin has ended and it is ready to accelerate its rise in the evening!

Bitcoin fluctuated higher during the US trading session last night. Many people think that the market is very weak today. In fact, it is not easy for Bitcoin to stand at 70k again today. After all, Bitcoin fell yesterday morning.

Last night, the United States released the CPI data for March, which was higher than expected, which will cause the Fed to postpone the interest rate cut again. Affected by this news, all three major US stock indexes closed sharply lower last night.

In fact, many people do not have hope for today's market, but Lao Jiu posted a message during the European trading session yesterday, telling you clearly that the attack will start on time in the evening. You can take a look at yesterday's post. Is the trend like a god's help? It can't fall at all. This trend can still go against the trend, which is very telling.

Remember, whether the Fed cuts interest rates or not, the era of global hyperinflation is coming, and the United States is now in a dilemma. In the era of hyperinflation, the currency depreciates, but fixed assets such as houses, securities, and commodities will rise in price.

Careful friends can find that the previous trend has been perfectly replicated recently! The trend here is actually a wash. Haven't you noticed that the daily trend of the big cake is gradually rising?

If the main force really shipped during the sideways fluctuation, how can it still stay sideways? Why is the low point gradually rising?

The main force has fully digested the market's short-selling power through nearly a month of high-level sideways fluctuations, so every time the callback, the strength of the short-selling is declining. This callback did not even touch 60k.

As the saying goes, the first effort is strong, the second is weak, and the third is exhausted. During the sideways fluctuation, the short-selling failed to smash it several times. Do you think the big cake can still fall later?

So, in summary, today, Thursday, the big cake is ready to accelerate its rise. This accelerated rise will completely break through 73k and go straight to 80k and 85k.

I still say the same thing, no matter what others say, Lao Jiu is firmly bullish. If you avoid the decline, you will miss the rise. Some pullbacks are what you must experience on the road to success. Without pullbacks, there will be no success.

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