【Experience Sharing】

The previous article mentioned how to increase the bet, but the market situation was not good.

So I still followed the rules and showed up.

The entry point can be seen in Figure 2. The left side is my increase record. I set the stop loss at the low point I originally thought.

In the end, it does exit the market, because if it falls below the low point, it will usually continue to fall, so stay on the sidelines.


You can see that I entered the market on the right. The purpose this time is different from the original one. It is to speculate on the short-term rebound.

I opened a margin of 100 times and 2%, so my risk is just this 2%. If it is gone, it is gone. As a result, I made more than 200% by exiting the market.


I’m still learning~ My overlay points were not good, and I didn’t come out in a timely manner.

There is room for improvement in every transaction, and you must keep in mind the purpose of each entry.

Later, my goal in short-term trading was to slowly make up for the amount of my stop loss.

Of course, I am still bullish in the long term and have put some positions in it.

This sharing of opinions, I hope someone who reads it will be helpful to you.

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