#CKB doubled when I woke up this morning.

#ETHFIwas recommended on Twitter at 5.9-6 a few days ago. The more it fell, the more I bought. It reached around 4.8. The muted group has been saying this in recent days. When it reached 5, they even asked me to get on board.

Strong ones will never fall back to the support level. When it is low, I should get on board.

#ZETAis around 1.9 now. The price is not high at present. I can continue to get on board.

Don't be a shuttle when buying spot. Do a good job of position management. Think about whether you are doing long-term or short-term investment when buying. Don't be afraid of being trapped in a bull market.

Don't look at the mountains and see the other mountains. You can't make money by changing cars frequently. You will come if you hold on to them. The group will notify everyone to escape the top at that time.#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #CKB下跌就是机会 $ETHFI $CKB