#ETHFI⁩ The peak witnessed the false guardian, and the dusk witnessed the faithful believers

Now no one calls ethfi garbage, zero coin, and no one scolds me

Ethfi Now I really have 500,000 U positions. Originally, I only had 300,000 U. This wave of decline below 5 added another 300,000 U positions. Many people follow the crowd. If it rises, they will chase it when they see others praising it. If it falls, they will cut it when they see others scolding it. Brother Nan led the member group to buy Ethfi from 3U. He only said four words, add positions and hold it.

I have researched this coin. There is no selling pressure. There was not much circulation 25 years ago. It is a hot track leader. The bull market is to create bubbles. Ethfi will continue to see 20 dollars. Those who believe in Brother Nan will make money together!