SlerfTools, a tool set designed specifically for Solana, is dedicated to simplifying blockchain operations and providing a fully visual interface without programming, making complex processes such as coin issuance and liquidity management safe and simple. SlerfTools will expand more functions in the future, including batch address management, batch collection, and batch sending, to provide more efficient asset management and operational convenience. These new services will further enhance the practicality of SlerfTools in the Solana blockchain ecosystem and meet the diverse needs of users.

Background of the project

When the founder of the Slerf project burned LP, he also burned the airdrop reserved tokens due to an error, resulting in the loss of Slerf tokens worth 10 million US dollars, affecting 25,000 pre-sale buyers. Despite the misstep, the founder responded to the community in a fully transparent manner in space. This move made Slerf gain overwhelming support from investors. In just 30 minutes, the market value of SLERF exceeded 100 million, becoming the new king of meme.

The greatest "operator" created a legendary narrative, this is the real Bitcoin.

So, we decided to respond to the inspiration of this legendary moment and create SlerfTools to provide Solana users with convenient tools to avoid similar mistakes, continue this legendary story, support community development and further promote the prosperity of the Solana ecosystem.

SlerfTools development plan

SlerfTools' development plan and roadmap can be divided into several stages:

  1. Initial stage: focus on developing basic functions such as creating tokens, creating and revoking liquidity, giving up token permissions, burning LPs and tokens, etc., to ensure that project parties can easily go online and manage their tokens.

  2. Mid-term development: Improve functions such as token management, liquidity management, batch sending and collection, and provide project parties with a one-stop blockchain management solution.

  3. Professional stage: Introduce advanced functions such as swap, batch swap and market making robots to support professional users to conduct batch transactions, and launch incentive mechanisms such as transaction mining and staking tokens to build a comprehensive tool platform for professional customers.

  4. Expand services: Develop Solana chain-related services, such as node services and audit services, and provide Solana ecosystem maps to meet users' needs for on-chain information and resources, and further enrich the Solana ecosystem.

Through this development path, SlerfTools plans to gradually build a comprehensive, efficient, and professional Solana blockchain toolset to serve all types of users and promote the prosperity and development of the Solana ecosystem.

SlerfTools Roadmap

SlerfTools roadmap summary:

  1. v0.1: Launch of token creation, Openbook market creation, token locking, liquidity pool creation, token burning, invitation mechanism, batch sending and collection, and Solana node service.

  2. v0.2: Added wallet address related services, swap function, 1V1 "sniper" transaction, many-to-many transaction, swap-based strategy trading robot, and token management function expansion.

  3. v1.0: Introducing more user interaction functions such as project calendar, contract AI audit, coin grabbing function, market value management tools, etc.

We will improve basic services in turn and gradually introduce advanced functions and professional services to support community development, meet the needs of different users, and promote the prosperity of the Solana ecosystem. Welcome everyone to experience