Eight iron rules for cryptocurrency trading, learn them and you can make millions! #炒币技巧 #ETH🔥🔥🔥

Iron rules for cryptocurrency trading:

First, for those currencies with complex situations and unclear prospects, never rush in. Pick the soft persimmons to squeeze, the same applies to cryptocurrency trading

Second, don't buy all your money into the same currency at once, even if you are very optimistic about it and it turns out that you are right afterwards, don't buy it all at once. Because abnormalities change rapidly, no one knows what will happen tomorrow

Third, if you mistakenly buy a currency on the downward track, you must sell it quickly to avoid further losses

Fourth, if the currency you bought has not lost money yet, but has entered the downward track, you must also exit and wait and see

Fifth, it is recommended to pay less attention to currencies that are not on the upward track. No matter what happens in the future, don't accompany the main force to build a position. Retail investors don't have time to waste with them

Sixth, don't fantasize about making money and always do short-term trading, going in and out every day. Frequent entry and exit may bring you pleasure, but it will make you lose a lot of money. The only one who benefits is the exchange, and you will not have such a high level, and you are not a dealer. Don't buy too many currencies, preferably no more than 10, you don't have so much energy to watch them. It's like if you want to marry five wives, even if you are in good health, you can't satisfy your wives. Wei Xiaobao's story only happened in novels.

Seventh, this coin is very cheap, it has fallen a lot, it is not a reason for you to buy, never!!! It may be cheaper!!!

Eighth, this coin is very expensive, it has risen a lot, it is not a reason for you to refuse to buy or sell. It may rise even higher!!!


1. Don't sell bull coins easily, the first choice is bull coins, get half the way, do both hot and strong coins, invest and speculate, get the whole way

2. The most important thing for a trader is the ability to respond during the plate

3. Qualitative analysis must be done well. Qualitative analysis of large cycles, weekly coin selection, monthly identification, daily tracking

4. Follow the rules and use Bollinger or the moving average you think is feasible to see the market

5. There is no way to teach ability, it all depends on technical skills, repeat successful experience, make money a habit, and make frequent profits more important than big profits #大盘走势 #btc

In the face of special market conditions, no matter how many are opportunities for retail investors, we try to seize the opportunity to expand our positions.

Also beware of risks, reduce the amount of holdings and don't go all in!

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