✔️ $APT , which has been in the process of correction like the general Altcoin market for a while after its rise last month, fell by 35% from the local top it created and seems to have found support at $13.20 for now. I think that the reason for the sharp decline in the price in recent days is due to the pressure of long orders opened for APT on the futures side. As a matter of fact, the price seems to have received the long liquidations it wanted to receive for now and turned its direction upward with the support of BTC.

✔️ When we examine APT in the 4-hour period, I think that the trend of the price falling is wide and therefore it would not be healthy to make a sharp comment about APT at the moment. However, we can say that the long pressure on the futures side has decreased for now and short liquidations are more. Liquidations are generally located in the regions I have indicated with yellow lines in the chart. When we examine these regions, as I mentioned, liquidations are generally dominated by short orders, except for long orders newly opened at $12.60 levels, so the price will somehow want to gain the $15.30 and $17.90 levels.

✔️ In conclusion: I think it is unreasonable to trade on APT now, but if there is a flash crash, $12.60 seems like a good place to get involved. If APT breaks its falling trend in the coming days and continues its rise after retesting this trend, it would make sense for me to get involved in the transaction.

❗️ What I write here is my own opinion and is not investment advice. #dyor