2024.4.8 BTC trend prediction by academicians in the currency circle: hit the 70,000 mark, beware of the risk of falling back

  As a senior person in the currency circle, I have been committed to providing useful suggestions to everyone, hoping that everyone will take fewer detours and make fewer wrong orders in this market. Although I am sincere, the road of investment still needs to be explored by yourself, learning is endless, and the experience learned is the real wealth!

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Coin Circle Academician: 2024.4.8 Bitcoin (BTC) Latest Market Analysis Reference

Is the market of Bitcoin yesterday the same as the prediction of the Coin Circle Academician yesterday? I said it would hit the 70,000 mark, the upper pressure is below 70,500. Everyone should have enjoyed this wave of space. Some coin friends came to me early in the morning to tell me what happened. Congratulations to everyone for eating the same wave as last time. For the time being, don’t be too aggressive. I see a lot of news asking whether the halving news is coming out soon. Can we continue to buy more? The market will not always go one-sided, especially the contract is done in ultra-short fast in and out. You can take the space on both ends. Don’t be imprisoned by your own thoughts, otherwise you will miss many opportunities.

Let’s take a look at today’s market. As of press time, the current price of Bitcoin is 69,700. At 8 o'clock in the morning, I was free and started to hit the 70,000 integer mark again. It is expected that there will be another wave of decline after the high. You can pay attention to it. There are many short-term ones (you can catch a wave of fast in and out with a good stop loss if you have the opportunity). At present, the daily K line has broken away from the EMA trend indicator and started to open its own mode upward. KDJ opened upward and spread, MACD shrank and diverged from the top trend, DIF and DEA continued to spread downward from high positions and then closed. It is expected to hover around the 70,000 mark for a few days. In addition, the fifth day of MACD's shrinking and increasing funds, continuous increase in funds (need to pay attention to it), the Bollinger Bands will go sideways for a long time after each closing. You can pay attention to the current Bollinger Bands and compare them with the historical Bollinger Bands. It is expected to fluctuate widely between the middle rail support 68,500 and the range below 72,000.

The four-hour ultra-short trend shows a double-yang-embracing-yin indicator pattern, and the idle time stands at the EMA trend indicator position of 69,000 for three consecutive times. It can be seen that the bullish trend is strong and the short-term bearish momentum is weak. However, one thing is that the EMA trend indicator has ended its upward alternation (you can go long before it ends, but you need to pay attention to it for the time being). The KDJ indicator has spread downward and has fallen below 55, and there is still a range that has not been completed. The polarization that just ended after the MACD rose sharply yesterday, after the K-line hit the 70,000 mark this time, the bulls received strong resistance. The Bollinger Bands only spread upward. The upper track has passed 70,000 and reached 70,150, but the middle track and the lower track have temporarily stopped (the probability of sideways fluctuations in the market has increased). The operation is more flexible in the short term.

The specific ideas are as follows: long first entry point 68500, second entry point 68000, long stop loss point 67500 (lower than EMA trend indicator 120 200 points to prevent being swept) short first entry point 70000, second entry point 70500, short stop loss point 70800, (break above 70500 into the vacuum zone space increase with a good stop loss) the market changes rapidly, the article release has a delay, do not be greedy, specific operations are based on real-time strategies, analysis is mainly for reference, risk at your own risk

This article is exclusively contributed by the academician of the currency circle, and only represents the exclusive views of the academician$BTC $ETH $BNB #大盘走势 #BTC、 #BTC大饼减半, #比特币预测