Review of Bitcoin's historical halvings

First halving: November 28, 2012

Price at halving: $13

Highest price the following year: $1,152

Lowest price after the bull market ended: $152

Bitcoin experienced its first halving on November 28, 2012, after a period of decline. Before the halving, its price had fallen to $13. However, after the halving, the price of Bitcoin began to rise steadily, reaching a high of $1,152 the following year. But then the market entered an adjustment, and the price once fell to $152.

Second halving: July 16, 2016

Price at halving: $664

Highest price the following year: $17,760

Lowest price after the bull market ended: $3,128

After a period of accumulation, Bitcoin experienced its second halving on July 16, 2016. The price at this time was $664. The subsequent market performance was strong, and the price soared to $17,760 the following year. But the market is always full of fluctuations, and the price fell to $3,128 in the subsequent adjustment.

The third halving: May 11, 2020

Price at the time of halving: $9,734

Highest price in the following year: $67,549

Lowest price after the end of the bull market: $16,625

On May 11, 2020, Bitcoin ushered in its third halving. At this time, the price has climbed to $9,734. The market performance after the halving was even more amazing, and the price once hit a high of $67,549 the following year. However, the market frenzy is always followed by calm, and the price subsequently adjusted to $16,625.

For the upcoming halving

Bitcoin's historical halving market shows that each halving is accompanied by a significant increase in price. However, the market is always full of uncertainty, and for the upcoming halving, we cannot accurately predict what its highest price will be. Whether it is 150,000 or 200,000, it is just speculation in the market. The real answer will take time to reveal. But in any case, Bitcoin's halving market is always worth our close attention and expectations. #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #BTC大饼减半, $BTC $ETH $BNB