Every four years, a cycle rotates. Long-term money is not so easy to make. Short-term operations are repeatedly attacked by opponents. The fault tolerance of long-term is much lower than that of short-term itself. You will experience several tortures during the holding process. From the initial entry, the profit falls back to the cost, then to the loss, and then to the profit, cost, loss, etc., which tortures your mentality back and forth. At the same time, those who have not bought in the market will stimulate you countless times. They have been rising, doubling, tripling, ten times. Twenty times... Do you want to change positions and buy them back when the time comes? If you change, Lafite will fall. If you don’t change, it will stay still and fall. Can you bear this? As long as you buy, you are already in the game. It depends on who can stand who. You must have that pattern to enjoy that wealth. After you have outlasted most of the retail investors, the big investors, and the hot money, and finally the dealers can’t wash you out, you have succeeded more than 50%. Then you pretend to hit the top and wash the market several times during the rise. You have not been tempted to get out. At this moment, you have outlasted more than 30% of the players again, and only less than 20% of the players are left! This is the essential feature of trading!