The 58-62% range that we have been waiting for on the $Btc.D chart for a long time is a highly likely scenario to be seen within the next month.

So, if it reaches this range, what kind of trend will we observe in the prices of #Bitcoin and #altcoinler ?

Dear friends, the effect of Bitcoin's ability to increase dominance on the market can be observed in several ways. However, instead of telling you all the scenarios in this flood, I will tell you the most important possibility.

The #btc’nin reward halving will take place 13 days later, on April 18. There is a#Token2049event in Dubai on this exact date. Participation in this event generally reaches 10,000 people.

Of course, it is not a coincidence that the 2 dates occur at the same time. The organizers chose these dates on purpose. Prize halvings in Bitcoin have not been talked about much on traditional TV until now. However, I think it will be very different this year and all World Television will report on it. The simultaneous Token2049 Fair will provide good material for the news.

In this way, it will rapidly increase the adoption of crypto around the world. Therefore, I think we will see a significant increase in the price of#Bitcoinin the range of $ 15,000-20,000 in April. With this increase, dominance will increase to the range of 58-62%.

So, if #btc makes such an increase, how will the overall #altcoinler be affected by this situation?

While Bitcoin made new peaks after the previous ATH breakdowns, it kept the Altcoins waiting for a while. I think we will see a similar scenario. So what do I mean?

Unfortunately, altcoins in general will not make much premium for about 1-2 months. Because while Bitcoin is running, Altcoins are in a horizontal or relatively falling trend based on the dollar. Because#Bitcoinattracts the liquidity in the market. All the attention is on him.

Altcoin bull 2024 2. It will show itself after the quarter, that is, in June.