Recently, CUDOS team released its roadmap for 2024.

The roadmap is a strategic plan that includes overview of the CUDOS team plans and what they aim to achieve in 2024.

In this article, we'll explore the elements of a roadmap for an in-depth understanding.

CUDOS Intercloud

Earlier this year, CUDOS launched it's decentralized computing platform - CUDOS Intercloud.

The roadmap unveils a canvas of transformation coming to CUDOS Intercloud which includes:

Expansion of payment option SDK and user accessibility

This means that USDC, USDT, MetaMask logins, and automated payments will be deployed for a better user experience. Interestingly, CUDOS is developing cross-chain functionalities. Work is ongoing to support Cosmos currencies, like ATOM, OSMO and EVM- compatible currency will be accepted.

Multi-chain computing

As stated by the founder, the Intercloud platform will expand its functionality and utility outside Cosmos based projects. CUDOS in talks with top projects within and outside Cosmos. Forming a strategic partnership is in top gear. He emphasised that multi-chain communications will be given prompt attention.

Collaboration with AI

CUDOS has mentioned its collaboration with projects like AI which demands high computing resources standard. This is aimed at allowing these projects and companies to have access to use cloud resources more effectively, reducing costs and improving performance of AI applications. One of the areas is stable Diffusion Integration.

Improved Cross-Chain functionality in CUDOS

Envisioning a collaborative future for the CUDOS blockchain, CUDOS is dedicated to developing cross-chain functionalities, COSMOS SDK Upgrade coming underway.

Exciting times ahead as features and ideas are brewing in our backlog, and your insights are invaluable.

More information about the CUDOS Roadmap can be found here :