$PEPE Good night friends.
Perhaps you are already in a panic thinking about selling, so this will be the biggest mistake you will make.
You think this is a lie and I’m holding you back so that you lose even more money, that’s not the case, I myself don’t sell either. You must have noticed that the wedge bit quickly went to 69,000, but the alto tires remained practically at the bottom. So this rise of the bit of the wedge has inflated and is giving up, and the alts will gradually begin to increase their advantage and from the next growth they will receive a good pump, skeptics and haters, let's give you your criticism, then I want to rub your nose in your criticism when everything happens exactly the way I did I say😂😭😔😊👌😁😇💪🐸❤️🙌🥰☺️♥️🤣