📢Good news! ENKI announced that the airdrop collection page is officially online to reward the earliest project supporters! 🎉🎉🎉
This is not only a thank you to early users for their support, but also a preview of the additional rewards they may receive in the future. 🎁🎁🎁
This application is divided into two steps: first, collect the early NFT (non-transferable), and then claim tokens based on the NFT. 🔑🔑🔑
The total amount of ENKI tokens is 10 million, of which a total of 1 million tokens (10%) are allocated for Fantasy activities. The rewards applied for this time are the rewards of the first phase of Fantasy activities, and the number of tokens is 150,000 (1.5%) ). 🎯🎯🎯
The second phase of the event, which is expected to distribute 8.5 perfect (8.5%) tokens, is not yet open, but the entrance to claim it is already open. 🚀🚀🚀
Continue to be optimistic about Bitcoin and look forward to ENKI’s performance! 💪💪💪