Pi is perhaps the next cryptocurrency trend in our opinion. It is completely free to download to your mobile or tablet and in 10 seconds you can start mining pi coins.

We have been following this project almost since its inception. Pi Founders knew they had to integrate theory and practice, applying what they learned in their Stanford PhDs in computer and social sciences to a real-world environment.

Right now Pi community has 55+ Million Engaged Members and everyday the community growing faster and faster. 

You can download Pi Network app from android store and apple store. If you want to become a member of our group and earn 1 pi coin right now just write "frankypap" in the referral .

You help us with faster mining rate and both we get 1 pi coin for your registration. 

Registration is simple, you can log in with your facebook profile or your mobile number. 

After the registration just follow the introduction instructions and you ll see a screen like the following. 

Of course the numbers will be different. You will see 1 pi that comes from using frankypap referral. On the right you will see the same icons but again with different numbers. Under the shield you will see 0%, under the little people you will see 0/0 and under the lightning the initial mining rate will be 0.01 p/h. Don't worry though, this can all increase. All you have to do is invite more people from your side and have them use your referral. That's how easy it is to increase the shield to 100% by adding 5 people who are already using the app from your circle of acquaintances. After the invitation you will see the mining rate increase and very soon you will have enough pi.
