How to build your own spot trading system in a bull market?

Build positions in batches, and exchange for pie in batches when the price rises by more than 5 times

Moving stop-profit in batches can beat many experts

1: ➢ Choose a good currency, build positions in batches when the price of pie falls by more than 20%, don’t rush to build positions (don’t blindly enter with full position), you can enter some according to every few points of decline or make fixed investments every day, the more it falls, the more fixed investments, the less it falls, the less fixed investments

2: ➢ Short-term doubles and runs away, and at the same time, the stop loss position is pulled to the cost price to ensure that this order cannot lose money; long-term cottage more than 5 times in batches move stop-profit to pie, you can get the maximum theoretical profit, the least callback of pie callback, you can keep the profit of the cottage in the bull market

Summary: There will be adjustments before halving, and new highs will be broken after halving

Keep a good mentality, big declines are opportunities for you to get on the bus

Buy small declines and buy big declines

Persist, the dog dealer is just washing the plate

At present, build positions in batches for about half a month

If you are trapped, it will be more painful to miss the market next time