Climbing point Hangqing, the strong retracement came into the early morning, and Wei Yi was more at the low level of 66000 and 3220, and was given to the long position as scheduled. The big pie got more than 1,400 points of space, and the aunt got more than 70 points of space. Well, it was given. After the rebound and callback, it was short around 66000 and 3290. The pie once again gained more than 900 points of space, and the concubine once again gave more than 40 points of space. The market trend in the early morning was also under Brother Yi's control! Judging from the overall trend during the day, the strong retracement was accompanied by a slight bullishness, and the exit was rebounded as expected. A layout in the early morning was also to enter the market first long and then short, perfectly capturing the early morning market.

Hangqing analyzed that after a high-level dive yesterday morning, there was a step-like retracement in the afternoon. The recent upward trend has been unable to break through, and yesterday's strong pulling rhythm gave a new way of thinking. After a strong pull, the market rebounded in the early morning as expected, but the upward strength was limited, so the rebound was empty. The idea is that the position has been liquidated and remains unchanged, and the rebound continues to be short.

Big pie suggestion: empty near 66200, target 63500

My aunt suggested: empty near 3320, target 3100$BTC $ETH #大盘走势 #BTC