Retail investors never know in their lifetime

7 Trading Industry Facts

Every word is true

1. The trading industry is the graveyard of value investors. Don’t believe in any bookmaker that will last a lifetime.

2. The referee and the player are sometimes the same person.

3. Everything is cyclical. Drinking, taking medicine, tracks, resources, etc., if there is an upswing, there must be a downswing. Remember to run if there is an upswing.

4. The financial industry does not believe in tears. It is all calculation. Most of the so-called professionals also lose money.

5. The financial market is a zero-sum game, and it is also a game of human nature and emotions. Why does the price rise as soon as the price is cut? It is precisely panic that creates opportunities.

6. Treat the news rationally. Nowadays, with the development of self-media, panic will be infinitely amplified. Behind the good news, there may be pitfalls.

7. Don’t be superstitious about the banker. If you want to eat meat with the banker, the banker wants to take over from you. Just look at Zuojiang and you will understand.
