Crypto time has come again these days so some recommendations:

1. Cryptocurrencies are a reality and billions of dollars are traded daily.

2. Yes, it has made people millionaires or billionaires.

3. If you are new to it and you have lack of patience and excess of blind greed then there are ninety nine percent chances that you will lose and your deposit will be gone.

4. These apps that come in the market every day that if you give 10,000 you will get 500 rupees daily, ninety nine percent of them are fraud.

5. You can invest five percent of your savings in crypto. Meaning, if you have 100 rupees in savings, keep a stable coin of five rupees like Bitcoin etc. and forget about it until its value does not exceed your purchase price.

6. Futures trading is the fastest way to go from being lazy to being lazy. Since the element of greed is high in it, the person quickly falls into it.

7. If futures trading is strong, bet on 1x and liquidation should be unlikely. One of my trades has been in loss for two and a half years but I neither liquidated nor closed it in loss.

Because I know that it is my investment that if it sinks, I won't go bankrupt, and liquidate.