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❤️ Trading vs Relationships 📈

I want to know how many of you are trading while being in a relationship/married. And if it's affecting you positively or negatively🤔

Bcos this is an important aspect that directly affects our success in trading and investing in the market.

What's important in our work? Emotions. They depend on many things, largely on your romantic partner.

If the relationship is harmonious and full of love, then success in work is sure to follow. But if not...

🧠 Imagine: new day begins, but right from the morning, your wife/girlfriend creates a conflict over some triviality. What happens? You'll become angry or depressed. Each of these states can disastrously affect your trading.

Anger leads to excessive risks, depression leads to fear of entering a position and missing good trades.

‼️In both cases, there will be losses. Your wife/girlfriend, seeing this, will start another scandal = new negative = unable to trade. And so on in a circle from day to day. Imagine what will happen to your life?

Unpleasant? Yes, but it's true and a common problem. If your partner doesn't support you in your venture, dreams and goals, it's probably best to break up, as painful as it may be.

☝️Relationships can be an anchor or wings. And it's up to you to choose what they will be.

Work and success require sacrifices. And sometimes it's not just money, time, nerves. Sometimes, they are close people with whom you have to cut ties because they hinder you...

But the good news is that by achieving success, earning money, and raising your social status, you gain access to new social circles. With more interesting people, with whom you can form friendships / romantic relationships.

When I started years ago, I had to break up with my girlfriend and some friends. It was hard, it was lonely... but I got through it. .

I also later met the woman who became the love of my life and we are really moving on.. And I met her thanks to getting into trading, which turned my life around.

🙏 Don't fear change. Fear the lack of it.