Taking advantage of the break of making pills, I would like to chat with you here. The recent shipping situation may be a bit confusing for newbies or veterans in the currency circle, which leads to being trapped. So how to untie it? I attribute it to the following points:

1. When the price ratio is at a high level, according to chart analysis, stopping measures must be taken immediately to avoid further losses.

Second, if the price of the pie is in the middle, you can wait and see for the time being and flexibly adjust your strategy according to market conditions to find the best time to unwind or reduce losses.

3. For currencies bought at low levels, there is no need to rush to stop losses. After the price decline stabilizes, the position can be covered at an important support level to reduce the average cost. When the market rebounds, it is expected that the positions held at high levels will be released.

Fourth, if the currency price shows an upward trend, it is recommended to hold it patiently and do not rush to stop losses. As the market rises, it is expected to achieve unwinding and even gain considerable profits.

5. In a balanced shock trend, there is no need to stop losses immediately. You should wait patiently for the price to reach a high level in the shock cycle. Once the situation is unwound or the loss is small, you should leave the market decisively.

Sixth, if the price is in a downward trend, once the trend is confirmed to be formed, it should be stopped immediately to avoid excessive lock-in. Hesitation and hesitation can lead to more serious losses and make it difficult to extricate yourself. Because I don’t know the specific position and position of the order. #BTC #

I can't understand the situation one by one about the points or positions that everyone has locked up.

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